About Tela Communications

Tela Communications is a Texas-based, virtual Internet solutions company specializing in the planning and implementation of World-Wide Web marketing strategies. With experience in marketing, graphic design, and programming, Jill Swift founded Tela Communications to provide comprehensive digital media services and to create alliances between the client community and talented graphic artists and computer programmers offering a wide range of solutions and expertise.

The principal of Tela, Jill Swift, has developed Web sites for many large and small traditional businesses and organizations offering a wide variety of products and services. Jill has been retained by several Internet Service Providers including Info-Highway International, Inc., Montgomery County Internet Access; TicoNet, Costa Rica; and Homesites.Com. to develop Web sites, provide marketing consultation and other services to client companies.

Jill's background as writer and designer for several monthly publications distributed by River Oaks Management Company in Houston, Texas, contributing writer and editor for The Oaxaca Times, an English language newspaper published monthly in Oaxaca, Mexico, copywriter/media buyer for a Houston advertising agency, and developer of software applications including, "Exploring the Cyberspace Jungle", a beginner's guide to the Internet and "The Ant", an HTML conversion utility, provided a natural path to the wonders of the World-Wide Web. Since 1990, Jill has also served as a mediator at the Dispute Resolution Center in Conroe, Texas.

About Our Name: Tela Communications

"Tela" means "web" in Latin. It also means "web" in Spanish,
one of the world's beautiful communications tools,
and a language Tela's principal hopes one day to master.


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Please Note: The information presented online in the "In A Nutshell" series, is offered as a free, and hopefully, helpful service.
Time constraints, however, make it impossible to provide specific answers to individual inquiries.
