Simple Interest Table

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Interest on $1,000 at various rates.

Days 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% 5.5% 6.0% 6.5% 7.0% 7.5% 8.0%
1 0.0685 0.0822 0.0959 0.1096 0.1233 0.1370 0.1507 0.1644 0.1781 0.1918 0.2055 0.2192
2 0.1370 0.1644 0.1918 0.2192 0.2466 0.2740 0.3014 0.3288 0.3562 0.3836 0.4110 0.4384
3 0.2055 0.2466 0.2877 0.3288 0.3699 0.4110 0.4521 0.4932 0.5342 0.5753 0.6164 0.6575
4 0.2740 0.3288 0.3836 0.4384 0.4932 0.5479 0.6027 0.6575 0.7123 0.7671 0.8219 0.8767
5 0.3425 0.4110 0.4795 0.5479 0.6164 0.6849 0.7534 0.8219 0.8904 0.9589 1.0274 1.0959
6 0.4110 0.4932 0.5753 0.6575 0.7397 0.8219 0.9041 0.9863 1.0685 1.1507 1.2329 1.3151
7 0.4795 0.5753 0.6712 0.7671 0.8630 0.9589 1.0548 1.1507 1.2466 1.3425 1.4384 1.5342
30 2.0548 2.4658 2.8767 3.2877 3.6986 4.1096 4.5205 4.9315 5.3425 5.7534 6.1644 6.5753
31 2.1233 2.5479 2.9726 3.3973 3.8219 4.2466 4.6712 5.0959 5.5205 5.9452 6.3699 6.7945
90 6.1644 7.3973 8.6301 9.8630 11.0959 12.3288 13.5616 14.7945 16.0274 17.2603 18.4932 19.7260
180 12.3288 14.7945 17.2603 19.7260 22.1918 24.6575 27.1233 29.5890 32.0548 34.5205 36.9863 39.4521
360 24.6575 29.5890 34.5205 39.4521 44.3836 49.3151 54.2466 59.1781 64.1096 69.0411 73.9726 78.9041
365 25.0000 30.0000 35.0000 40.0000 45.0000 50.0000 55.0000 60.0000 65.0000 70.0000 75.0000 80.0000

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