Nutshell Guide Index
- Keyboard Chords
Chart of 144 Keyboard Chords
including Keyboard Diagrams and Annotation . - Virtual Piano Chords [No audio]
- Virtual Piano Keyboard [Audio -.mp3 files]
- Resources
- Anagrams
Interactive word scramble game
for one or more players. - Anagrams for Two Players
Scramble the word of your choice
for your opponent to unscramble. - Hex Games
12 Interactive Hex Games for two players.
Boards are from 3x3 to 14x14. - Animal Concentration
24 cards and a dozen wild animals to discover. - Color Concentration
36 cards and a rainbow of colors to mix and match. - Super Color Concentration
60 cards and dozens of colors to dazzle you. - Flower Concentration
24 cards and a dozen blossoming bloomings. - Math Quizzes: Basic Math & Fractions
6 Basic Math + 6 Fraction Quizzes. - Stacker
Strategy game.
We still haven't found all the solutions. - Rockets
Mind-boggler puzzle that looks easy. - Ancient Riddles
The beginning of eternity,
the end of time and space,
the beginning of every end,
and the end of every place ...
and more. - Famous Quotes
Quotes, quips and clevernesses. - Odd Facts
A collection of strangeness. - Paradox and Puzzlement
Three brain-teasers.
Just for Kids
- Create a Neighborhood
Design your own community
with images you can move around the screen. - Story: The Adventure into Gibby-Gibby Land
The Puskins Discover a Secret Path in the Woods
that Leads them to a New and Strange Land. - Story: When Puskinville was Mapland
The Puskins Surprise the Grumpies. - Story: The Dinner Tree
An Act of Kindness, the Little Gray Puskin
and the Magic Dinner Tree.
- Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts
- Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development
- The Principle Features of Child Logic
From Judgment and Reasoning in the Child
by Jean Piaget - The Child's Conception of Physical Causality: Summary and Conclusion
- Icosahedrons and the Invention of the Planetarium Projector
Geodesic Domes and Charts of the Heavens.
A brief history of the astronomical devices that led
to the inventions of the planetarium projector and the dome. - Quantum Theory in Science Fiction
- Bubble Tree
An Interface for Visualization of Hierarchical Data.
Drag the circles with your mouse to create your own Venn diagrams online.
- How to Send a Fax on your Computer
(Despite a DSL connection) - How to Create Batch Files
- The images I'm creating for my website
are scraggly-looking along the edges. - Fixing the Only Really Extremely Annoying
Thing about Firefox Browser
Firefox toolbar tools and bookmarks disappear. - Archive and Compressed Files
- ASCII - What Is It? + Standard ASCII Character Set
- Extended ASCII Character Set
- Problems & Solutions Index